Web Site Description URL
Yahooligans Web guide for kids www.yahooligans.com
Fact Monster Atlas, almanac, encyclopedia for kids www.factmonster.com
dig The archaeology magazine for kids http://dig.archaeology.org
National Geographic for Kids Online magazine for kids,highlighting geographic concerns on the planet www.nationalgeographic.com/kids
Just For Fun Homework help, games, career info http://www2.ncsu.edu/
Terrific Web Sites for Kids  Fun Middle School web sites http://www.westnet.com/
AAA Math Hundreds of interactive basic math skills www.aaamath.com/index.html
Childrens Literature Award Web Sites Award winning books http://skykomish.lib.washington.edu/
Scholastic Book resources, games for kids www.scholastic.com
Big Chalk Web resources for teachers, kids, parents www.bigchalk.com
About the US  Congress Information about the Congress http://www.loc.gov/
The Weather Channel Current weather conditions www.weatherchannel.com